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The balanced Powerhouse




Yoga Instructor


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Nina is a lawyer turned yoga instructor based in Zurich and Bern. Unhappy with her job and where her career was heading back in 2015, she decided to switch fields altogether and embarked into her yoga journey. She is now a well known and sought after yoga teacher in

Switzerland, travels around the world for yoga retreats and takes each day one green juice at a time.

Nina’s ability to face uncertainty (even today) and remain confident and excited about the outcome is extremely inspiring. Here, she reveals her career highlights and challenges and the importance of following your dreams and pursuing happiness. Enjoy reading our chat with the incredibly down to earth and sweetheart Nina - a true Doyenne.

You studied law and began your career working at an insurance company. What made you decide to leave "the secure work field" and become a full-time yoga instructor? Was there a particular moment that catalyzed the decision for you?


I am not sure if I ever saw my employments as something that gave me security in the first place. That is probably one of the reasons why it all felt natural in a way to leave that work field. The more I taught Yoga the more I became aware of how I needed to change my life. I always felt- and this might sound naive to some- that I have to work not primarily to earn money but to create and do what makes me truly content. I never felt my full potential in the work I did before becoming a full-time yoga teacher. The big change came when I saw that it my days started to fill up with teaching yoga classes at studios and privates. What I realized as well was, that true security can never be found in the outside but really and only within.


Describe a typical day...


No day ever is the same in my life. Some days I have more time and some days less. But I always try to create a sacred little morning time for myself to root and connect. I usually like to start smoothly by making some tea, get in a little movement and contemplation. As I teach in Zürich and Bern I commute on some days. Teaching in both cities offers a nice change to feel the vibes of both beautiful cities and communities. Next to teaching my regular community group classes I also teach privates where I go to people's homes. My classes usually end late at night and I close my days later than most people. When I finally get home I take some time to unwind.


What do you find most fulfilling about your job?


Everything. My job is my pursuit of happiness at the same time. It starts with the mindset that I am my own boss, I am responsible for my own (non-) actions. There's nothing I value more than that freedom of self-employment. That way I get to spend more quality time with my dearest friends, family and community. I love that I can be and live my essence, that I can be there for people by holding space and get the raw, pure nature of everyone around me. I find it a challenge but also fulfilling to know that we are all on our journey of trusting the practice and being patient with ourselves in all aspects. The practice of Hatha Yoga offers us to become clear of our intentions, views, our energy level, our diet, the choice of words and actions. We practice equanimity and contentment and above all, we practice loving kindness, compassion and gratitude.

Also, I get to wear Yoga pants all day long and that's pretty awesome 😂

What do you enjoy most about the community you've created and the people you meet daily?

I feel very grateful for all the beautiful souls I’ve met along the way so far. One of the meanings of Yoga is unity. So the CommUNITY has always been most important to me. Community to practice within as a student but also Community that holds space for each other to grow, digest and root. I learn with every individual I meet on the path and I learn about them but also about me- we all have the same struggles, the same fears but also the same connection trough a beautiful practice called Yoga. I enjoy that the people around me reflect that we all have direct access to our source and our soul’s guidance. And it shows me, that Yoga does help people to cultivate their inner gardens, their inner resources and their abilities to self-soothe and heal.

What is your advice for people who are interested in leaving their conventional 9-5 job but concerned about what is out there and if they can make it?


​You only live once here right now in this life. Be you, at all times. Know what is important to you. And take that leap of faith- Erin Hanson once quoted so nicely:  „There is freedom waiting for you. On the breezes of the sky and you ask "What if I fall?“- Oh but my darling, what if you fly?“. The inherent beauty of all of this is somehow, that you will never know what it is, if you don’t jump, if you don’t create space for it, whatever this „IT“ might be. Ask for guidance or support, let yourself be inspired and know that you have the inner wisdom and potential to grow and develop! And always remember: Whatever you practice you become.

With Covid-19 hitting us hard, things have changed for everybody. How are you coping with this situation and what has changed for you?

At first it really got to me. The uncertainty about how my family and loved ones are gonna cope with that was my main concern. As we all started to deal with restructuring & reorganizing, I started to see that global pause as a chance for us all to take a look within. The energy it takes to live with uncertainty can be a healing one as all in life is always uncertain. This all made me realize that we can stay connected - if we all do our practice and stay connected with the heart.


Since I can't teach any more “real life” Yoga classes, I started to support my communities trough online Yoga classes. It has never been something I considered as I really love the connection when you face people, when you hold space for their practice. But so far, this way of connecting and rooting into our commUNITY is a really soothing and positive one. ​Most importantly we all keep our practice of cultivating the body as a healthy home for the soul & the growth in this time of change and give the mind some release from all emotions and pressure that we give ourselves. But remember; This too shall pass and that we are all in this together!


Quick Questions


Zodiac sign: Pisces

Favorite quote: We honor the dream by doing the work.

Currently listening to: AUDE Podcast.

Best piece of advice for success: Authenticity.

How to unwind after a long day at work: Taking a bath, or going for a walks through the woods. 

Most used emojis: 🪐🌱🌚

Ultimate happy fix: Hugs from friends & family, sun on ma face.

Three things you wish you could tell your younger self: Be courageous, 

Go to the core of what really matters, Trust the universe.

Can’t live without: Perspectives & Dreams.

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